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ISO 2338 Dowel Pin

ISO 2338 Dowel Pins, referred to as parallel pins, are headless solid cylindrical pins manufactured to a precise diameter. Used to align parts and function as hinge and wrist pins, roller bearings or as shafts, one end is chamfered (~15°) to facilitate insertion while the opposite end may be radiused or dimpled. For press-fit applications, dowel pins should be pressed into position—do not use impact force because pin splintering may occur. Tolerance Class m6, oversized, and undersized h8 are available in plain finish unhardened steel, which can rust, and stainless steel. The "limit deviations" (or "tolerance zone") varies by diameter; for example, the tolerance of an M4 m6 pin is +0.004 to +0.012 mm while the diameter of an M4 h8 pin is 0 to -0.018 mm. Length is measured from end to end including the chamfer like DIN 6325 and inch series dowel pins but unlike DIN 7, which is not measured from end to end. ISO 2338 Dowel Pins may be similar to DIN 7.




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Code Product Qty. Package Qty. Carton Add to Basket
PBS659-610 M8 x 20 mm Undersize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, h8 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBT659-610 M8 x 20 mm Oversize Dowel Pin ISO 2338, Form A, m6 Tolerance, A1 Stainless Steel
PBU659-610 M8 x 20 mm Undersize Dowel Pin ISO 2338, Form B, h8 Tolerance, A1 Stainless Steel
PBR659-615 M8 x 25 mm Oversize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, m6 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBS659-615 M8 x 25 mm Undersize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, h8 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBU659-615 M8 x 25 mm Undersize Dowel Pin ISO 2338, Form B, h8 Tolerance, A1 Stainless Steel
PBR659-618 M8 x 28 mm Oversize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, m6 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBT659-618 M8 x 28 mm Oversize Dowel Pin ISO 2338, Form A, m6 Tolerance, A1 Stainless Steel
PBS659-620 M8 x 30 mm Undersize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, h8 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBU659-620 M8 x 30 mm Undersize Dowel Pin ISO 2338, Form B, h8 Tolerance, A1 Stainless Steel
PBR659-622 M8 x 32 mm Oversize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, m6 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBT659-622 M8 x 32 mm Oversize Dowel Pin ISO 2338, Form A, m6 Tolerance, A1 Stainless Steel
PBR659-625 M8 x 35 mm Oversize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, m6 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBS659-625 M8 x 35 mm Undersize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, h8 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBR659-630 M8 x 40 mm Oversize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, m6 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBS659-630 M8 x 40 mm Undersize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, h8 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBR659-635 M8 x 45 mm Oversize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, m6 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBS659-635 M8 x 45 mm Undersize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, h8 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBS659-640 M8 x 50 mm Undersize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, h8 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBR659-645 M8 x 55 mm Oversize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, m6 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBS659-645 M8 x 55 mm Undersize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, h8 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBR659-650 M8 x 60 mm Oversize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, m6 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBS659-650 M8 x 60 mm Undersize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, h8 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBS659-655 M8 x 65 mm Undersize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, h8 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
PBR659-660 M8 x 70 mm Oversize Unhardened Dowel Pin ISO 2338, m6 Tolerance, Plain Finish (no rust protection)

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