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DIN 960 Hex Head Bolt

DIN 960 Hex Head Bolts are partially threaded bolts with fine and extra fine external machine screw threads (the space between fine and extra fine threads is less than coarse, wider-spaced threads). Mated with internally threaded holes and nuts, they are similar to ISO 8765 except for some dimensional differences. Available in Class 8.8 and 10.9 steel, zinc plating inhibits the formation of rust while plain finish does not have any corrosion protection. Thread tolerance for Class 8.8 and 10.9 is 6g for plain finish and 6h for plated; right-hand threads are standard. Also called hex head cap screws, the bolt diameter and bolt length determine the minimum threaded length. The bolt's length is measured from under the head to the tip. DIN 960 Hex Head Bolts are similar to ISO 8765 and JIS B1180. Use DIN 961 instead when fully threaded is required and DIN 931 for partially threaded coarse threads.




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Code Product Qty. Package Qty. Carton Add to Basket
BDE663-645 M8-1.0 x 55 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 8.8, Zinc Yellow Plated
BDG663-645 M8-1.0 x 55 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 10.9, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
BDL663-645 M8-1.0 x 55 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 10.9, Zinc Yellow Plated
BDA663-650 M8-1.0 x 60 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 8.8, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
BDC663-650 M8-1.0 x 60 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 8.8, Zinc Plated
BDG663-650 M8-1.0 x 60 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 10.9, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
BDJ663-650 M8-1.0 x 60 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 10.9, Zinc Plated
BDL663-650 M8-1.0 x 60 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 10.9, Zinc Yellow Plated
BDA663-655 M8-1.0 x 65 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 8.8, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
BDC663-655 M8-1.0 x 65 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 8.8, Zinc Plated
BDE663-655 M8-1.0 x 65 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 8.8, Zinc Yellow Plated
BDG663-655 M8-1.0 x 65 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 10.9, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
BDA663-660 M8-1.0 x 70 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 8.8, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
BDC663-660 M8-1.0 x 70 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 8.8, Zinc Plated
BDE663-660 M8-1.0 x 70 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 8.8, Zinc Yellow Plated
BDG663-660 M8-1.0 x 70 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 10.9, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
BDJ663-660 M8-1.0 x 70 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 10.9, Zinc Plated
BDL663-660 M8-1.0 x 70 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 10.9, Zinc Yellow Plated
BDA663-665 M8-1.0 x 75 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 8.8, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
BDC663-665 M8-1.0 x 75 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 8.8, Zinc Plated
BDE663-665 M8-1.0 x 75 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 8.8, Zinc Yellow Plated
BDG663-665 M8-1.0 x 75 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 10.9, Plain Finish (no rust protection)
BDJ663-665 M8-1.0 x 75 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 10.9, Zinc Plated
BDL663-665 M8-1.0 x 75 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 10.9, Zinc Yellow Plated
BDA663-670 M8-1.0 x 80 mm Fine Thread Hex Head Bolt Partially Threaded DIN 960, Class 8.8, Plain Finish (no rust protection)

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