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DIN 472 Internal Retaining Rings

DIN 472 Internal Retaining Ring

DIN 472 Internal Retaining Rings, known as retaining rings for bores, are installed axially in machined grooves in bores and housings. By creating a removable shoulder they retain components. Since a large portion of the ring contacts the groove, they can withstand significantly higher thrust loads than radially installed retaining rings. Retaining ring pliers have specially designed tips that fit the ring's lug holes so the ring can be compressed during installation and removal. Ring size refers to the diameter of the housing; the outside diameter of the ring is larger so it will firmly seat in the groove. The specified free diameter only applies to unused rings; once a ring has been compressed, its free diameter will be less than the dimension listed. Select from spring steel, plain finish and zinc plated.




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Code Product Qty. Package Qty. Carton Add to Basket
RBK851-500 M50 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBM851-500 M50 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Mechanical Zinc Plated
RBK856-500 M51 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK857-500 M52 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK863-500 M53 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK864-500 M54 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK865-500 M55 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK870-500 M56 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK877-500 M57 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK878-500 M58 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK884-500 M60 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK892-500 M62 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK897-500 M63 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK907-500 M65 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK913-500 M67 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK914-500 M68 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK922-500 M70 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK929-500 M72 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK938-500 M75 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK951-500 M77 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK952-500 M78 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK955-500 M80 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK963-500 M82 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK967-500 M85 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBK974-500 M87 Internal Retaining Ring DIN 472, Spring Steel, Plain Finish

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