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DIN 471 External Retaining Rings

DIN 471 External Retaining Ring

DIN 471 External Retaining Rings are retaining rings for shafts, which means they are axially installed into a groove machined in the shaft so the ring can create a removable shoulder that retains components. The tips of retaining ring pliers fit the ring's lug holes to simplify installation and removal by expanding the ring and allowing it to pass over the shaft. Since nearly 360° of the ring contacts the groove, it can tolerate high thrust loads especially compared to radially installed retaining rings. Although size is listed as shaft diameter, the inside (free) diameter of the ring is smaller to accommodate the smaller diameter of the mating groove. However, the specified free diameter only applies to rings that have not been installed—once expanded, the free diameter will measure slightly larger than the specified dimension. They are available in plain finish spring steel and stainless steel.




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Code Product Qty. Package Qty. Carton Add to Basket
RBA584-500 M3 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBE584-500 M3 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Stainless Steel
RBA600-500 M4 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBE600-500 M4 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Stainless Steel
RBA615-500 M5 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBE615-500 M5 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Stainless Steel
RBA631-500 M6 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBE631-500 M6 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Stainless Steel
RBA646-500 M7 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBE646-500 M7 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Stainless Steel
RBA659-500 M8 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBA674-500 M9 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBE674-500 M9 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Stainless Steel
RBA688-500 M10 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBE688-500 M10 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Stainless Steel
RBA695-500 M11 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBE695-500 M11 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Stainless Steel
RBA701-500 M12 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBE701-500 M12 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Stainless Steel
RBA708-500 M13 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBA709-500 M14 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBA716-500 M15 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBA719-500 M16 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBA727-500 M17 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Spring Steel, Plain Finish
RBA730-500 M18 External Retaining Ring DIN 471, Spring Steel, Plain Finish

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